Last night “news” spread that Yakuza 3 (Ryu ga Gotoku 3) was “never” coming out in North America. Crushing words, but there’s hope for Yakuza fans.
First, the Examiner updated their post and said the quote from Ray Almeda, a Sega employee, was not an official statement.
We asked the Sega PR representative that worked on Yakuza 2 what’s going on with Yakuza 3 and received the following statement.
“We have no confirmation on whether or not Yakuza 3 is coming over to the states. We’ll keep you posted if anything changes.”
While this isn’t a confirmation that Yakuza 3 is coming out, it leaves the door open for a possible release. There’s also a slim chance Yakuza 3 could get an international release via another publisher like Atlus or NIS America, two companies that specialize in localizing Japanese games and published Sega titles outside of Japan.
Holy shit it has to come here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will punch edsel in the face if it dosent. here is my promice to you!!! if Yakuza 3 comes to america i will buy it and live-stream me playing it for all of you thats how excited i am!